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UMI Scripts - qiagen_smallRNA_umi_extractor

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A script to strip out the Qiagen UMI from single-end reads prepared from a Qiagen small RNA library. Qiagen recommends doing a long read to capture the small RNA insert, read through the 19 bp adapter sequence, and then through the 12 bp UMI sequence.

This script will search for the adapter, optionally allowing for up to 2 bp mismatch, remove it, and take the remainder of the read as the UMI. Depending on the size of the insert and the length of the read, the entire UMI may not be captured. A UMI of less than 3 bp is considered failed. UMIs with Ns are also considered failed.

The script requires that the entire fixed adapter sequence be present. For larger insertions where the read sequence may not reach the end of the adapter and to the UMI, the reads are either discarded or written to an optional Fastq file. These failed reads can be aligned separately if desired; be sure to use adapter trimming on these reads.

The UMI is appended to the name of the read (for lack of a better place to store it), and can be used in subsequent processing to remove PCR duplicates in combination with alignment information. See the script as the companion application to do this.

Usage: -i input.fastq.gz --fail noUMI.fastq.gz | <aligner>


-i | --input <file>  Fastq file, may be gzipped
-o | --out <file>    Specify output filename for the output fastq files.
                     Include a .gz extension for compression.
                     Default is to print to STDOUT for piping
-f | --fail <file>   Specify optional filename for failed fastq reads 
                     where the UMI cannot be found.
-m | --mismatch      Allow for up to 2 mismatches in adapter sequence.
                     Requires String::Approx to be installed. 
                     About 3X slower, but gains a few percent extra.
-a | --adapt <ATGC>  The adapter sequence to remove. Up to two   
                     mismatches are allowed. Default is 'AACTGTAGGCACCATCAAT'.
--len <integer>      Length of the UMI barcode. Default 12.